I wrote an article for Devcycle on how to use feature flags to improve DORA metrics:
What to do when an obsolete rman object can't be found.
Make sure ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and PATH are set correctly
- rman also comes with X11R6...
Database can't extent an index.
ORA-01654: unable to extend index SYS.I_FILE#_BLOCK# by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM
Check the size and maxsize of the data files in...
Some standard recovery scenarios
Deleted or Corrupted Datafile
If a database datafile in the $ORACLE_HOME/oradata/XE is deleted then the database will no longer open. It is...
Add the following entry to the VirtualHost
<Directory "/var/www/html">
order allow,deny
allow from all
AuthName "Staff only"
AuthType Basic
AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com
require valid-user